NAS Ukraine

sorption & membrane materials & technologies

Sergey Leonidovich
Head of laboratory

phone: 424-04-62
e-mail: vasiluk@ionc.kiev.ua

Department was found in 1993. Results of scientific work in the department have been published in 140 articles in foreign and Ukrainian journals, 12 inventor's certificates and patents have been received. The department maintains close scientific relations with colleagues from South Africa, France, Turkey, Russia, and Great Britain. The main field of research activity is the development of multifunctional granulated inorganic materials based on zirconium, titanium, aluminum, tin oxides and phosphates to be used in electrochemically stimulated methods of solution purification from toxic, ionic impurities, including selective removal of components. Developments of department are aimed on introducing scientific research into advanced technologies in various branches of industry.

The main lines of research
  • synthesis and studies on novel inorganic material properties, obtained by means of sol-gel technology;
  • design of new purification methods of liquid and gaseous media by means of hybrid sorption-membrane methods including electrodeionization;
  • development of pilot (mobile and stationary) equipment for the purification of different solutions including high quality potable water.
The modern trends in research are Green chemistry, synthesis and studies of nanostuctured sorption material properties.

Research and applied results
  • Novel inorganic gel sorbents have been developed, such as: based on zirconium phosphate and multivalent metal oxides, which are capable to adsorb both cations and anions simultaneously.
  • Effectiveness of these materials in modern electrochemically stimulated processes (electrosorption and electrodeionization) of ions removal from diluted solutions has been shown.
  • The modular pilot plant unit for water purification by means of electrodeionization has been developed. Using inorganic membranes and various sorbents, based on oxide materials, in the unit permits obtaining high-quality water and toxic ions removal from various technological solutions, including wastes of plating industries.

Key researchers
Doctor of Chemical Sciences Yu.S. Dzyazko
Candidates of Chemical Sciences T.V. Maltseva, A.V. Palchik, L.M. Rozhdestvenska, K.O. Kudelko.

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